
These are the Plantt Tools. They can be used to deploy and manage code and assets to your Plantt projects.

To get started with the Plantt CLI, read the full list of commands below.


To install the Plantt CLI, you first need to sign up for a Plantt account.

Then you need to install Node.js and npm. Note that installing Node.js should install npm as well.

Once npm is installed, open a terminal window and run the following command:

npm install -g plantt

This will provide you with the globally accessible plantt command.

Get Started

The command plantt --help lists the available commands and plantt <command> --help shows more details for a specific command.

Most commands require you to be authenticated. To login, run the following command:

plantt login

You will be asked to enter your username & password for your Plantt account. Once you have logged in successfully, you can start using the CLI tools.

Below is a brief list of the available commands and their function:

Administrative Commands

Functions Commands

These commands let you deploy and manage code in your Plantt project.

Flows Commands

You can create, update and get available conversation flows in your project with the following commands.

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